< Industries Served < Education
Colleges, universities, and educational services companies face a unique set of workforce challenges. They need job candidates who not only thrive when faced with today’s educational challenges, but also capable of taking on the demands and job functions of tomorrow’s evolving educational needs.
The WorkPlace Group® has a long history of providing education recruitment services for universities and educational services companies.
Our education recruitment experience includes managing search committees for university executives and professors as well as recruiting teachers and job candidates for many different roles within universities and educational services companies.
Our unique Multimethod-Multisource Candidate Acquisition and assessment methodologies enable us to identify the precise talent you need to fill your specific job requirements.
Education Recruitment Solutions
Our talent acquisition and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services are scalable and customizable to your needs.
From agency style headhunting, to high volume recruiting with on-demand recruiters to full scale recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), our recruitment solutions bring research-driven recruitment methodology, talent assessment, and recruiting experts to hire whoever you need when you need them.
What can The WorkPlace Group® do for you? Click here to explore our education recruitment solutions or contact us.
Educational Job Titles Recruited
(Not all positions shown. Please contact us for more specific information.)
- Admissions Coordinator
- Assistant Program Coordinator
- Board Secretary
- Clinical Teaching Faculty
- Coordinator, Experiential Education
- Corporate Counsel
- Dean
- Department Chairs
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Admissions
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Alumni Relations
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Career Development
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Career Services
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Enrollment Management
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Financial Aid
- Director | Assistant | Associate, Student Affairs
- Director of Business Development
- Director of Curriculum
- Director of IT
- Director of Online Communications
- Enrollment Services Advisor
- Financial Aid Counselor
- Financial Analyst
- Graduate Affairs Associate Writer
- Help Desk Technician
- Human Resource Administrator
- Marketing Events Coordinator
- Professor, Intensive Care Medicine
- Professor, Medical Microbiology
- Professor, Medical Virologist
- Professor, Pharmaceutics
- Professor, Pharmacology
- Professor, Pharmacy Administration and Science
- Professor, Pharmacy Practice
- Professor, Physiology
- Programmer Analyst
- Project Management Coordinator
- Registrar
- School Director
- Statisticians | Psychometricians
- Student Advocate
- System Quality Analyst
- Systems Administrator
- Teachers, early education
- Teacher Assistants, early education
- Test Developers
- Technical Writer
- Web Programmer
- Web Services Manager
To explore how we can assist with your education recruitment needs, please review the recruitment solutions available to fulfill your recruiting needs or click here to request a complimentary consultation.